I can't know it all, I am still learning


Do you know it all?

Can you know it all?

Anyone knows it all?

Is it even possible to know it all?

Facing the unknown used to be tough for me. Saying “I don’t know” made me feel awkward, and I would end up feeling like I knew nothing but recently, a friend asked me to write something, and when I said I did not know much about it, he told me to give it a shot. He said you don’t have to know everything upfront, and you learn a lot while doing things and that pushed me to start a blog. I never thought I could do it because I thought I did not know a lot about it. But the thing is, you do not need to know everything from the beginning, you learn while you are doing it. Learning is ongoing, so trust the process. Rather than succumbing to the paralyzing fear of the unknown, embrace the idea that not knowing is the first step towards learning.

Embarking on the journey of learning is a rewarding adventure. Cultivating a habit of learning requires effort and commitment. Picture it as a series of small, manageable steps rather than a daunting climb. Begin by taking baby steps each day, dedicating yourself to learning just one thing, Consistency is the key, Imagine the satisfaction of looking back after a year, realizing you have accumulated a treasure trove of 300 new learnings, including failures. It is the steady commitment that adds up, not the pressure of trying to absorb it all in a single day, only to feel discouraged and give up. Embrace the gradual unfolding of knowledge and watch as your commitment to learning transforms into a fulfilling habit of a lifetime.

Unlock the power of a growth mindset as your secret weapon for continuous improvement! Dive into the world of learning, drawing inspiration from every person and experience around you. The key is consistency — do not let up, as the journey of learning knows no limits. With each attempt, you are not just learning; you are evolving into a version of yourself that is constantly growing and thriving. So, embrace the adventure, cultivate that growth mindset, and let the insatiable curiosity within you lead the way to endless learning opportunities!


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