She might never talk to me again


My grandparents

A single moment can alter the course of our lives forever, leaving an unforgettable mark on our hearts. And one such incident changed my life and thinking too; things have never been the same for me since then. 

For most of my life, I lived with my grandparents, I shared a very deep connection with my grandmother during my childhood. We shared countless moments together—she accompanied me to school for the first time, taught me religious poems, and even gave me gentle hair oiling.  

But in 2021, everything changed. On a random morning in June, my grandma had a brain stroke and while witnessing it, the final talk with her started playing like a sad song in my head, filled with everyday fights about small stuff. We argued over the same stories and silly things. Back then, I did not know these normal fights would turn into deep memories, stuck in my mind forever. The next day brought a painful surprise, breaking the idea of endless tomorrows. It left me with a sorry feeling and an apology I never said, still hanging in my thoughts. 

For a long month, I stayed in the hospital with her when she was in the ICU, surrounded by the quiet walls. Many nearby beds to her got emptied, reminding us how fragile life is. Every moment felt heavy with the thought that we might lose her, making us understand how delicate life can be.  

The doctor said we could only spend 40 minutes a day with her – not much time to show love. In those short moments, I desperately sought her attention, yearning for the comfort of her voice amid the hospital beeps. It took a long 24 days for her to reply, and the joy of that moment is hard to put into words. 

In those corridors of the hospital, I learned how being there for someone matters, and understanding them can make a significant difference. Life's rush for success seemed less important than the deep connections we share with others.  

This mix of not knowing and fear changed me a lot. I suddenly understood how short and uncertain life can be. It made me realize I should grab every moment with my loved ones, appreciating even the small, ordinary things we often overlook. 

Holding onto disagreements and carrying grudges felt heavy and those issues seemed small. Talking and sorting things out became the way to heal, like a comforting balm for our hurting hearts.  

From this experience, I became more aware of how love and connections shape our lives. The chase for success, which used to be everything, now stepped aside for the beauty of laughing together and silently understanding each other. 

As I write these words, I still feel the pain of her not talking to us (she is still in a semi-coma). I miss her scolding, the comforting hugs, and her love. The empty space she left shows how short our time here is. 

Now looking at this moment I realize at the finish line we do not take anything physical with us. What stays are the memories that make our heart happy.  

Let us live, not just get by, and let love be our guide through life's ups and downs. 


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